Tag: project

Hungry for Projects

Hungry for Projects

Poverty and injustice are huge topics in the world today and it is always relevant in R.E.

If I have a TY or Senior Cycle non exam class I always like to do a case study on world hunger. The class always starts with the same question:

What is your favourite/best dinner you have ever had?

While the class salivate as they search their memories for their most scrumptious of meals, the second stage come into play and that is the worldmeters which shows all the currents stats in the world such as world population, births, deaths and most importantly ‘People who have died from hunger today’ [on posting it was 28,445 and rising]. It is a stark example of the situation at hand and it really catches the attention of the class.

The next stage of the lesson is to develop the idea of hunger and poverty – What exactly is it? Here it may be helpful to focus on world stats and figures but move to focus on Ireland as the lesson develops. The homeless issue is so current at the minute so it will be topical.

Thereafter using recent clips on world hunger can emphasis the point (I have linked some clips here, here and here!) Then it is over to the students, what can they do to help? can they raise awareness? can they raise money? can they be creative and innovative in developing ideas of awareness?  it can be a great learning experience.blogging 6